
Inter House Dance Competition

Pre-Primary 13-Feb-2025

Organised by: Dance Department
Participants: Students of Classes I & II
Highlight: Participants showcased their talent in dance confidently in front of a large gathering. The children thoroughly enjoyed rehearsing, learning the rhythmic movements in both group and solo category and all the houses put up a spectacular show mesmerising the audience. Children were engaged in performing, learning steps taught by the choreographer, altering as directed and working as a team. Vayu House emerged winner, followed by Jal and Prithvi securing the second position and Agni securing the third position.

Science Day Activity

Pre-Primary 12-Feb-2025

Participants: Students of Montessori, Pre School I & II
Highlight: Children of Montessori enjoyed doing leaf printing and learnt about the venation of the leaf and how leaves make food for the plants. Children of PS1 enjoyed learning about the properties of water through demonstration. With hands-on experience, they understood that water does not have its own shape, colour, smell and taste. Children of PS2 enjoyed demonstrating different science experiments.

Character presentation

Pre-Primary 30-Jan-2025

Participants: Montessori to Pre School II
Highlight: Students enjoyed a fun filled and creative event where participants dressed up in unique and imaginative costumes to represent various characters and brought the character alive. Children learnt about a wide range of personalities.

Project Citizen (Primary)

Primary 29-Jan-2025

Students of classes 3 – 5, representing four Houses – Vayu, Agni, Jal, and Prithvi- participated enthusiastically in the Project Citizen event. Throughout the event, a range of exciting topics were explored and students presented insightful and well-prepared presentations, engaged with new ideas, shared knowledge, and learned together.

Vayu House had the 'Namami Ganga Project' as their theme for the presentation. This national initiative aims to rejuvenate and protect the Ganges River, emphasizing sustainable development and environmental preservation.

Agni House had 'Protection and Care of Animals' as their theme for the presentation. This important topic highlights the need for animal welfare, focusing on safeguarding animals' rights and ensuring their well-being.

Jal House had 'The Health System in India' as their theme for the presentation. This vital topic explores the structure, challenges, and advancements within India's healthcare system, with a focus on improving access and quality for all citizens.

Prithvi House had 'Inclusive Education' as their theme for the presentation. This significant topic addresses the importance of creating an inclusive educational environment that accommodates students of all abilities, ensuring equal opportunities for learning and growth.

By the end of this event, students gained a deeper understanding of important topics like environmental protection, animal welfare, healthcare, and inclusive education. They learnt how these issues impact our society and the world, and how we can contribute to positive change. Students also improved their skills in research, teamwork, and presenting ideas clearly, while developing a greater appreciation for the importance of working together for a better future.


Project Citizen classes 6-8

Middle 29-Jan-2025

Societies across the world face multifaceted challenges that impact human and animal welfare. Among these, animal cruelty, overpopulation, racism and discrimination, and mental health are significant issues that require attention and collective action. Project Citizen is a platform that enables individuals and communities to actively engage in addressing social problems through awareness, policy advocacy, and responsible action.


Prithvi House Project Citizen

Topic : Mental Health

Prithvi House initiated the Talk Share Heal program in school.

Synopsis: Let’s Talk included an interview with Dr.Prachi Rathi, child psychologist and psychologist Yukta Saksena.

Let’s Share included a rally outside school, installation of a drop-box in the senior school library, peer education program, circulation of mood tracker and gratitude jar.

Let’s Heal included a zumba workshop with Sir Ashish Majumdar and affirmation sessions in all the classes. In addition we spread awareness through our instagram page.

Prithvi House pledges to maintain good mental health in school.


Jal House

Topic : Overpopulation

Synopsis: Jal house is delving into the issue of Overpopulation that deeply impacts not just our present but also our future.  It is a challenge that cannot be solved overnight or with quick fixes. This is not a problem we can eliminate entirely; rather, it is one that must be managed over time. The results of our efforts may take years to become visible, but the steps we take today will determine the future we leave for the generations to come.   We have tried to tackle this issue at our own Level by spreading awareness and Framing a few plausible class policies.


Agni House

Topic: Animal Cruelty

Synopsis: The members of Agni House of Lakshmipat Singhania Academy raised their voices to stop animal cruelty. They  explained  the nature of the problem, the existing government policies, and the problems of such policies regarding this issue. A class policy has been decided, and some action plans are already in place, such as spreading awareness through webinars, quizzes in junior and middle school assemblies, distribution of badges, stickers, handmade posters, etc. They  also created a chitbox and conducted a Bindi Board activity as an innovative survey technique. Taking interviews, organizing signature campaigns, and sending emails to government officials are their ways of spreading awareness.


Vayu House

Topic : Racism and Discrimination

Synopsis: Racism and discrimination involve the unfair treatment of individuals based on their race, ethnicity, or cultural background. These practices perpetuate inequality, marginalizing groups in areas such as employment, education, and healthcare. Addressing racism requires systemic change, education, and collective action to foster equality, understanding, and social justice for all communities.


The issues of animal cruelty, overpopulation, racism and discrimination, and mental health affect individuals and society as a whole. Project Citizen encourages people to take an active role in addressing these challenges through education, advocacy, and responsible actions.By promoting animal welfare, sustainable population growth, equality, and mental health awareness, we can build a better future. Governments, communities, and individuals must work together to implement effective policies and create a compassionate, inclusive, and sustainable world.


Working on Project Citizen was a transformative learning experience that deepened the students ‘;understanding of critical social issues like animal cruelty, overpopulation, racism and discrimination, and mental health. Through research and analysis,  they became more aware of the causes and effects of these problems and the importance of collective action in addressing them. The project enhanced their critical thinking, research, and communication skills while also teaching  the value of social responsibility.






Happy Hour classes (9-12)

Senior 29-Jan-2025

Project Citizen is an educational program designed to engage students in the principles of public policy and civic involvement. It aims to encourage young people to become active and informed citizens by identifying community problems, researching solutions, and proposing policies for change. Among the multitude of problems that plague the community we had taken up the challenge to question the importance of civic responsibility on topics like Right to Free legal Aid, Women Empowerment, Fake news and Misinformation and Food Security.

Agni House

Topic: Right to Free Legal Aid

In the Project Citizen competition, Agni House focused on the Right to Free Legal Aid, addressing the barriers that prevent marginalized individuals from accessing this fundamental right. We examined existing policies and their limitations, recognizing the need for more efficient and accessible solutions. Our proposed ideas included a Chitbox, Fingerprint Board to streamline the legal aid process, as well as webinars and seminars to raise public awareness about legal resources available to the public. We also conducted interviews with lawyers and domestic workers to gain real-world insights into the challenges both legal professionals and individuals face in accessing legal aid. We also sent letters to Mr. Subodh Ghildiyal, Chief Editor of the Times Of India and Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Minister of Law, Government of India.

The competition was a valuable learning experience, where we presented our research and Proposal to a panel of judges who posed insightful questions that encouraged deeper analysis. Through this project, we gained a greater understanding of the complexities of legal aid and its importance in ensuring equal access to justice for all, regardless of socio-economic status.

Jal House

Topic: Women Empowerment

Jal House grappled with the issue of “ Women Empowerment” that include deep-rooted gender biases, unequal access to education and healthcare, wage gaps, underrepresentation in leadership roles, and cultural norms that restrict women’s autonomy. Additionally, violence, discrimination, and lack of legal protections continue to hinder progress towards true equality and empowerment for women. This mindset problem cannot be overcome overnight and would require to be dealt with on a regular basis.We had taken a plan of action where the focus has been mainly on  empowering girls and also teaching boys how to treat women with respect.

Our research included visiting an all out boys' NGO and conducting a workshop there,conducting signature campaigns and surveys, speaking to pedestrians and taking an online interview of a celebrated author, Professor Nandini Das of the Oxford University .Throughout this Project Citizen itizen campaign students have evolved and learnt  that it's not only about spreading awareness but more importantly it is about making a change in everyone's life and thinking.

We have pledged not to stop here but are committed to take this forward and bring about a positive change in society. We have deviced class policies so that they can impact perspectives and lay the foundation for an unbiased generation.

Prithvi House

Topic: Fake News and Misinformation

The project citizen for classes 9 and 11 was held on 29 th January and Prithvi House presented on the topic “Fake News and Misinformation”. We had prepared a binder and PPT along with 4 speeches which addressed the audience. The presentation ended with a question- answer round with the judges and a group photo taken of all the 24members that were a part of the project. As fun as the presentation was, the highlight was most definitely working as a team to fulfil our goal. This event created a sense of belonging to our house for each one of us and those of us who can, would gladly participate again next year.


Vayu House

Topic:Food Security

This year the Vayu House Project Citizen topic was about one of the most concerning and global problem, Food Security.

We started off with explaining the problem, showcasing in detail the seriousness of this topic and how many millions of people or even children go to sleep without eating proper food. After that we had the government policies, where we explained the different existing policies which the government had already applied in regard to this problem like The Mid-Day Meal Scheme. Next, we shared the Class Policy of our House, where we presented the different policies we, as a house, had made to secure food for the mass people. Lastly we talked about the many initiatives that our house had taken in the Action Plan. We discussed the Food Drives carried out, Interviews and Surveys taken, and even the awareness we spread through multilingual posters, social media platforms etc. . Finally in the Question Hour Round, we answered the question which the judge had asked us regarding the wastage of food in classrooms and how to tackle them. Overall, it was a very enriching experience for the whole team, getting to know so deeply about such an important topic and actually taking initiative for the same was a fortunate opportunity we could get.


This experience helped students develop skills in research, teamwork, communication, and critical thinking, while fostering a deeper understanding of the democratic process and their potential role in shaping their community’s future.

Inter House Quiz Competition

Pre-Primary 29-Jan-2025

Participants: Students of Classes I – II
Highlight: Students participated in a quiz competition with much enthusiasm and each member participated wholeheartedly and answered questions asked in the various rounds. Participants learnt about the rules and terms used during quizzes.

Vocabulary Based Activity (Hindi/Bengali Spelling)

Pre-Primary 08-Jan-2025

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: All students of classes 3 to 5 participated in the activity. The activity helped the students to augment their spelling and vocabulary skills. Students learnt to spell difficult words and were motivated to use new words while writing and speaking.

Christmas Celebration

Pre-Primary 23-Dec-2024

Resource Person: Pre Primary Happy Hour Department
Participants: Students of Pre Primary
Highlight: Christmas was celebrated with great joy and merriment. Children learnt about the spirit of Christmas and the values of joy and sharing through songs, stories and videos. The children decorated Christmas trees and sang Christmas Carols.

Indian Navy Day Celebration

Pre-Primary 06-Dec-2024

Resource Person: Pre Primary Happy Hour Department
Participants: Students of Classes Pre School I to Class II
Highlight: Children learnt that how important the Indian Navy is for protecting India's extensive coastline and every year, Indian Navy Day is celebrated on December 4. They also were made aware that the theme for Navy Day 2024 is 'Strength and Power through Innovation and Indigenisation’. Children decorated ships using various crafts and saw videos showcasing facts about the Indian Navy.

Plant a Sapling

Pre-Primary 06-Dec-2024

Participants: Students of Class Montessori
Highlight The objective of this activity was to create and enhance awareness about the importance of tree plantations and make our Earth a better place to live in. Under the guidance of their teachers, the young students enthusiastically participated in the activity. Each student brought a small sapling, and together, they planted the saplings. Despite getting their hands muddy, the students thoroughly enjoyed the planting process and the chants of Go Green resonated in the air.

Happy Hour Inter house skipping (Rope) competition

Middle 16-Nov-2024

Participants: Students of classes VI – VIII
Highlight: Skipping rope, also known as jumping rope, can help people develop a variety of skills. Students were excited to take part in the competition. The results are:
Skipping – Boys : 1st. Prithvi, 2nd. Agni , 3rd. Vayu, 4th. Jal
Girls : 1st. Agni, 2nd. Vayu, 3rd. Prithvi, 4th. Jal

Inter House Kho Kho Competition

Primary 16-Nov-2024

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: The aim of the game is to tag all the opponents in the shortest time possible; the quickest team is declared the winner. Winners Agni House for girls, Jal House for boys

Happy Hour (Interhouse Kho Kho Competition)

Senior 16-Nov-2024

Participants: Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight: Jal house was the deserving winner beating Prithvi house in the final round. The matches were exciting and students enjoyed this tournament after a long time. All the House Captains maintained the discipline exceptionally well.


Pre-Primary 23-Oct-2024

Participants: Students of Pre School I – Class II
Highlight: The main purpose of this activity was to explore the students' imagination, creativity and celebrate the Festival of Lights in its true spirit. All students participated enthusiastically in the activity.

Happy Hour - Inter House Fashion Show Competition

Primary 23-Oct-2024

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: The theme for the Happy Hour Inter House Fashion Show Competition was Festivals of India. The four houses, Vayu, Agni, Jal and Prithvi participated enthusiastically and portrayed the essence of the different festivals of India through a fashion show. The presentation of all the houses enthralled the audience and was highly appreciated by the judges. Overall, it was a great learning experience for the participants and the audience.

Happy Hour: I Have Talent

Middle 23-Oct-2024

Participants: Students of Classes VI – VIII
Highlight: Students learned the different styles and forms of dance, yoga and songs. Talent shows can help participants to develop oratory skills too. Talent shows can help participants boost their self-esteem and confidence. The results are as follows: 1st : Prithvi, 2nd : Agni, 3rd: Jal, 4th: Vayu

Happy Hour - Handball competition

Middle 19-Oct-2024

Participants: Students of Classes VI- VIII
Highlight: Each team displayed remarkable coordination and agility, with students enthusiastically cheering for their peers. The matches were intense, with both players and spectators on the edge of their seats as teams battled to score goals. The students demonstrated impressive teamwork, strategic planning, and resilience throughout the games. After a series of exhilarating matches, Prithvi House clinched the 1st prize, showcasing outstanding skill and teamwork. Vayu House followed closely, winning the 2nd prize, while Agni House secured the 3rd position. Jal House also put up a spirited performance, taking the 4th position. 

Happy Hour - Inter-house Chess Competition

Senior 19-Oct-2024

Participants: Students of Classes IX – XI
Highlight: Jal house won the competition. It consisted of the following members :Yug Desai, Jatin Agarwalla, Anshuman Dugar and Devansh Sultania. Prithvi House lost the match to Jal house in the final.

Happy Hour - Inter House Fun Race Competition

Primary 19-Oct-2024

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: Students enjoyed the fun game through physical activity. The students had to pass the ball with their partner, running in a zigzag pattern, then jumping over the hurdles and running to the finishing line after wiggling the hula hoop over their heads. The competition helped to improve their flexibility and agility. Jal House won in the boys’ category and Prithvi House won in the girls’ category.

Happy Hour - Kite Decoration

Pre-Primary 12-Sep-2024

Participants: Students of Pre Primary Department
Highlight: Students showed their talent and creativity by making colourful kites using a wide variety of art techniques. The aim of conducting this activity was to promote creativity among the students. The story of why kites are flown during Vishwakarma Puja was discussed as well.

Happy Hour - Elocution Competition

Pre-Primary 04-Sep-2024

Participants Students of Pre School I, Pre School II and classes I – II
Highlight Aarna Dujari (PSI Asters)stood 1st followed by Vinishhaa Agarwal (PSI Bluebells) and Adhrit Raj Shaw (PSI Daisies) securing 2nd position and Prevaan Saraf (PSI Carnations) stood 3rd .

Hit the Skittle

Pre-Primary 04-Sep-2024

Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: Children enjoyed the fun-filled activity. It helped them stay focussed, enhanced their hand-eye coordination and made them learn how to wait patiently for their turn. The children learnt the game's strategies and developed throwing accuracy and an understanding of ball movement.
Children learnt to appreciate others and applaud for them.

Happy Hour - Inter House Chess Tournament for classes I to VIII

Middle 03-Aug-2024

Participants: Students of Classes I – II
Result: 1st - Vayu House, 2nd - Jal House, 3rd - Agni House, 4th - Prithvi House.

Participants Students of Classes III – V
Result: 1st - Jal House, 2nd - Vayu House, 3rd - Prithvi House, 4th - Agni House.

Participants Students of Classes VI – VIII
Result: 1st - Vayu House, 2nd - Jal House, 3rd - Prithvi House, 4th - Agni House.


Inter House Table Tennis

Senior 03-Aug-2024

Participants: Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight: All the matches were played with great enthusiasm. In the final round, Jal house defeated Prithvi house to win the tournament. Agni house defeated Vayu house and secured the third position.

Inter House Poster Making Competition on Tigers Day

Pre-Primary 24-Jul-2024

Participants: Students of Classes I – II
Highlight: Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, is a celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation. It is observed on 29th July each year. To promote this cause, children of classes 1 and 2 participated enthusiastically in Inter House Poster Making competition where they compiled decoratives and messages to voice out Save Tigers.

Happy Hour – Nature Conservation

Pre-Primary 24-Jul-2024

Participants: Students of Montessori to Pre School II
Highlight: Children of Montessori made a tiger craft with black fingerprints on a cut-out of a tiger. Children of PS I and PS ll made a craft on Nature Conservation Day to show their love for our Earth. All the children enjoyed displaying their creativity and promised to conserve and take care of nature.

Happy Hour – Paper Bag Decoration

Pre-Primary 10-Jul-2024

Participants: Students of Montessori to Pre School II
Highlight: Students showcased their creativity and artistic skills by making attractive paper bags and decorating them vibrantly. The craft activity was not only fun and engaging for the learners but they were also excited to take their bags back home and use them in their day-to-day activities.

Happy Hour – Rath Decoration

Pre-Primary 10-Jul-2024

Participants: Students of Classes I – II
Highlight: Students enjoyed decorating the rath using decorative materials bought from home as instructed.
Using coloured streamers, fresh flowers and other decorative items the rath of Lord Jagannath was beautifully adorned and displayed. Classes I Asters and II Carnations emerged as the winners.

Happy Hour Earth Day

Middle 26-Apr-2024

Resource Person:NGO and Senior Students of our Academy
Participants: Students of Classes VI – VIII
Highlight: Students made creative items for home decoration, encouraging usage of waste materials to create beautiful products, reusing of plastic bottles and newspapers to create something usable. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution and water pollution.

Happy Hour (Interhouse Dance Competition)

Senior 26-Apr-2024

Participants: Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight: In reverence to the Earth Day, we organized an Inter House Dance Competition for its senior section on the theme- celebrating Earth Day, during its Happy Hour event .The participants of each house gracefully presented their scintilling renditions, mesmerizing the judges and the audience with their charisma. Though a tough call, Agni house emerged as the winner with Jal house and Prithvi House following suit as the runners up. Class IX students watched the movie ‘Hachiko’ which the students enjoyed thoroughly.

World Health Day – Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 12-Apr-2024

Highlight: A variety of activities ranging from making a tower of fruits and vegetables, unscrambling sentences related to health and making a Thank You card for the healthcare provider were conducted to bring awareness about the importance of good health.

Happy Hour

Primary 12-Apr-2024

Highlight All students of classes 3 5 participated in the Happy Hour classroom activity on Bengal: Our Pride. Based on the given theme the students of class 3 made beautiful alpona designs, students of class 4 made paper bags and students of class 5 depicted the culture of Bengal through doodle art. Students learned about cultural Heritage of West Bengal.

Spring Craft – Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 07-Feb-2024


Participants :                       Students of Classes I – II

Highlight   :                           Children made a collage on Spring and Spring baskets. The craft which children made were bright and colourful. They also watched a video and song on Spring which helped them to know about the season better.


Inter House Project Citizen Competition

Senior 24-Jan-2024

 Participants: Students of Classes VI – XI

 Highlight: All the four houses were extremely competitive. Vayu House bagged the first position and their topic was Human Displacement. There was a tie between Prithvi and Agni for the second position. The event was enjoyed by all.

Inter House Project Citizen Competition

Primary 24-Jan-2024

Participants Students of Classes III – V
Highlight The project citizen was an inter house event where all the 4 houses showcased their unique performances by presenting the existing public policies on various topics and the loopholes in them, followed by their proposed class policies. Jal House bagged the first position followed by Prithvi, Agni and Vayu.

Happy Hour - Netaji Jayanti and Republic Day Celebrations

Pre-Primary 24-Jan-2024

Participants Students of Montessori to Class II
Highlight Children of Montessori were dressed up in the colours of the Indian flag. Students of PS I and PS II were dressed up as the freedom fighters who fought for our nation and spoke with confidence a few lines on the same. They got tri-coloured food items in their tiffin boxes. Children of Classes 1 and 2 got tri-coloured ingredients of their choice and rustled up tasty treats. They spoke a few lines on how they can serve their nation and make India proud.

Wealth out of Waste

Pre-Primary 13-Sep-2023

Participants: Students of Classes Pre School I – Class II

Highlight: Wealth out of Waste competition is a popular initiative that encourages children to create innovative and sustainable solutions for waste management by  repurposing or upcycling waste materials. Pre Primary Happy Hour Department organised an activity to use coconut to keep in tune with World Coconut Day and children made beautiful planters and candle stands displaying their creativity.

International Tiger Day

Pre-Primary 19-Jul-2023

Participants: Students of Montessor  to Class II
Highlight: Children from Montessori to Class ll were sensitized about the importance of saving the tiger and to preserve them and protect them in different ways. Tiger Masks were made by the children of Montessori, PS l and PS II. Classes l and ll made posters spreading awareness amongst all to shoot the tiger with a camera and not a gun.

Interhouse Music Competition – Happy Hour

Middle 28-Jun-2023

Participants:Students of Classes VI to VIII
Highlight:Students enjoyed the inter -house music competition where they got to hear the variations and modulations of Indian, Western and Instrumental Music. Students learned the ways to represent their house, how to be melodious in a choir group, to sing a song from heart with emotions and to be cheerful while presenting an activity.

Interhouse Sports Quiz – Happy Hour

Senior 28-Jun-2023

Participants:Students of Classes IX to XII
Highlight:Every house member attended and participated in the quiz enthusiastically. Agni House won the quiz and Vayu house emerged as the first runner up.

Inter House Dodge Ball Competition – Happy Hour

Primary 28-Jun-2023

Participants:Students of Classes III to V
Highlight:Both girls and boys participated in the Inter House Dodge Ball Competition. Many of the matches were a close fight. Out of these, two matches resulted in a tie. Everyone played well. In both the categories, Agni House won.

Workshop on Recreational Games Happy Hour

Senior 03-May-2023

Venue: Ground Floor Assembly Hall, Ground, Volleyball and Basketball Court
Organized By: Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
Resource Person:Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
Participants: Students of classes IX - XII
Highlight: There were four different set ups for Recreational Games like Pittu, Catch the Stick, Modified Dog and the Bone and Relay Tag games. The participants enjoyed the workshop and showed great enthusiasm. Due to rain, the workshop was interrupted and got over before the scheduled ending time as the activities were all outdoor.

One Act Play: Martyrs Day

Middle 03-May-2023

Venue:            8th floor Assembly Hall, Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
Organized By:  Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
Participants:    Students of classes 6 to 8
Highlight:       All students of classes 6 to 8 were the viewers of the Happy Hour programme. With their collaborative skills, beautiful and informative story presentation was given by all four houses. They depicted the life story of some Martyrs. The costumes and props were delightful to observe. Students got the ideas about various historical aspects and could correlate their ideas with their learnings.


Pre-Primary 03-May-2023

Participants: Students of classes PSI –II
Highlight: Children learnt about how to take care of Mother Earth. They took a pledge, listened to songs and learnt about why to plant a tree to stop soil erosion. Quit buying products that have a lot of package wrappings. Reduce the amount of water you use to keep clean.

I Have Talent

Primary 03-May-2023

Venue: LSA
Organized By: LSA
Participants: Students of classes 3-5
Highlight An Inter House Event which had 'Earth Day' as its theme. One participant from each class represented their respective Houses. The performances varied from recipe making, to poem recitation, to mime, monologue, story telling etc. Each performance was unique in itself and the participants had left no stone unturned to enthrall the audience.

Inter House Debate Competition

Senior 28-Apr-2023

Participants Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight The Houses debated on the topic Technology is controlling us, we are no longer controlling technology. Vayu House won the debate, Prithvi house bagged the second position. The debate was enjoyed by all.

Interhouse Quiz Competition: Dr. B.R Ambedkar and Constitution

Senior 12-Apr-2023

Resource Person Quiz Master: Ms. Sneha Singh
Participants: Selected students from all the four houses
Highlight: Students of Class IX to XII enthusiastically participated in the quiz competition. They were happy to know about Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and his contributions. It was very informative and the quiz ended with an extraordinarily good performance of Agni House.

Bengali New Year Celebration

Pre-Primary 12-Apr-2023

Participants: Students of Classes I and II
Highlight: Poila Boishakh (Bengali New Year) is the first day of the Bengali calendar. It is one of the most important festivals for the Bengali community and is celebrated with much pomp in West Bengal.
Children learnt about the significance of Kalash and enjoyed songs and dances based on the festival.
They also made a thematic craft adding an essence of festivity.

Bulletin Board Competition: Bengal Our Pride

Middle 12-Apr-2023

Participants: Students of classes VI to VIII
Highlight: All students of Class VI to VIII actively participated during Happy Hour Competition. They were delighted to make beautiful charts on various topics like famous places in Bengal, Art and Culture of Bengal, famous person of Bengal and culture and heritage of Bengal. Finally they took the initiative 
to decorate their bulletin boards with the beautiful charts.

Bulletin Board Competition

Primary 12-Apr-2023

Participants: Students of Classes III to V
Highlight: The Happy Hour was conducted across classes 3 to 5. The topics for the competition were Great Places to Visit in Bengal (class 3), All Who Made a Mark in History (class 4), Unique Bengal in the Field of Art (class 5). It saw an overwhelming response from students of all the classes. The Happy Hour activity was a challenging one but highly successful as students learnt about the state they live in. They enjoyed and learnt a lot in the process.

Class Memento – Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 26-Feb-2023

Participants: Students of classes Montessori to Class Pre School II
Highlight: Children designed a photo frame – class memento using varied art techniques. They enriched their vocabulary by learning terms peers, batch mate. The students enjoyed seeing pictures of their friends. They learnt the importance of being kind and caring towards friends.

Inter House Quiz Competition - Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 24-Feb-2023

Participants: Students of Classes I and II
Highlight: The children enjoyed answering questions on a variety of topics house wise. The students of Prithvi House stood first whereas Vayu and Agni houses bagged the second position jointly.

Spin a Tale (Interhouse Story Narration Competition)

Pre-Primary 03-Feb-2023

Participants: Students of Classes Pre School I to Class II
Highlight: The children of different houses narrated their stories with aids and voice modulation. It was a visual treat for the audience. Each storyteller had a message to convey. Vayu house occupied the first position followed by Jal, Agni and Prithvi houses.

Happy Hour Bookmark Designing (Pre Primary)

Pre-Primary 30-Jan-2023

Participants Students of Pre School I to Class II
Highlight The children learnt about the meaning of ‘martyrs’ and their contribution towards the freedom of our country.

Project Citizen (Inter House Event)

Senior 27-Jan-2023

Participants Students of Classes VI - IX and XI
1. Innovative posters and Power points were made.
2. Question- answer round was interesting.
3. It was significant to know that two of the jury members were an alumnus of the school.
4. The topics selected were relevant in context of current problems faced worldwide.

Inter House Chess Competition of Classes 1 and 2

Pre-Primary 09-Dec-2022

Venue Junior Library
Participants Students of Class II
Highlight Selected students of all the four houses played a game against each other. The finalists played impressively. Vayu house was declared a winner followed by Agni, Jal and Prithvi house.

Interhouse Football

Senior 23-Nov-2022

Participants Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight The matches were very competitive. The students displayed lot of coordination and agility skills with a lot of precision in passing and dribbling. Jal house bagged the first position and Prithvi house was runner up.

Happy Hour Dodge Ball

Middle 19-Nov-2022

Participants Students of Classes VI - VIII
Highlight All the matches were very close. Final matches were interesting. Students showcased their fitness and calibre power. In final match Prithvi House won against Agni for Boys and for girls Vayu House won against Prithvi House.

Inter House Throw Ball Competition

Primary 19-Nov-2022

Participants Students from Classes III – V
Highlight All the matches were conducted smoothly. Students played with great zeal and enthusiasm. Children learned to compete in a healthy manner. They thoroughly enjoyed the competition. Agni house stood 1st followed by Prithvi, Vayu and Jal.

Happy Hour Poster Designing Competition

Pre-Primary 11-Nov-2022

Participants Students of Classes Pre School I to Class II
Highlight Children enjoyed watching stories about being kind to others. They enjoyed dancing on a peppy song on the same. Students of PS 1 and PS 2 coloured a sheet on kindness whereas the students of Classes 1 and 2 designed their own posters. Jal house won the first position followed Agni, Vayu and Prithvi houses.

Happy Hour: We Have Talent

Primary 11-Nov-2022

Participants Students of Classes III – V
Highlight Wonderful performance by all the children. The Mime Act and Charlie Chaplin comedy act needs special mention. JAL HOUSE won the event. They showcased their innate talents and displayed expressive dance moves.

Durga Puja Celebration

Primary 29-Sep-2022

Participants Students of Montessori to Class II
Highlight The children danced joyfully to the tune of peppy Durga Puja songs. They were elated to see their favourite puja pandals. They could relate the celebration of Dashami as Dussehra. They learnt about the traditional Bengali food items while eating their tiffins. They also made a craft item based on the festival.

Interhouse Volleyball for Boys

Senior 17-Sep-2022

Participants Students of Classes XI – XII
Highlight Agni House won the tournament. Vayu House was the Runner up. The matches were very competitive.

House Meeting 2022-2023

Senior 16-Sep-2022

Organized By Happy Hour Representatives
Participants Students of Class III - XII
Highlight Various points were discussed. The house captains along with the House mistresses / masters were able to identify the various talents of their house. Students were boosted for March Past and to participate in the upcoming co-curricular activities along with project citizen activity.

Happy Hour - Elocution Contest

Pre-Primary 02-Sep-2022

Participants Students of Classes PS I to Class II
Highlight The poems were delivered with actions enthralling the audience. Each participant was unique in the way of presentation. The first position was bagged jointly by Vayu House and Agni House. The second position was secured by Prithvi House and the third position by Jal House. Hanvika Ahuja of PS 1C and Ayansh Poddar of PS2 D were declared the winners of English Elocution Contest.

Happy Hour - Doodle

Primary 22-Jul-2022

Participants Students of Classes III – V
Highlight Students of classes III To V participated in doodle as a practice of the exeBIT event. They received an exeBIT template and enjoyed doodling activity. All students participated house wise.

Happy Hour Umbrella Designing

Pre-Primary 22-Jul-2022

Participants Students of Classes PS I to Class II
Highlight The children enjoyed learning facts about an umbrella. They enjoyed singing along, a rhyme on umbrella. Different art mediums were used by the children of different classes to design the umbrella.

Happy Hour – Chocolate Day, Rath Yatra celebrations

Pre-Primary 01-Jul-2022

Participants:- Students of Classes PS I to Class II

Highlight:- Children enjoyed watching the video on how chocolates are made and identified some common brands. The Preschoolers designed a chocolate pouch while classes 1 and 2 designed chocolate wrappers. Children watched the story of Rath Yatra and its significance and decorated and colored a ‘rath’, bringing in a feeling of festivity.

Event:- Workshop on Music

Primary 01-Jul-2022

Resource Person Mr. A. Saha , Mr. A. Dasgupta

Participants Students of Classes III to V

Highlight:- Students were excited to attend the offline music workshop after a long time. The workshop helped the students to understand when, why and how we celebrate World Music Day.

Heritage City (9 12)

Senior 30-Apr-2022

Participants Students of classes IX - XII
Highlight Agni house secured the 1st position. Vayu, Prithvi and Jal bagged 2nd, 3rd and 4th position respectively. The event was theme based and the audience enjoyed and cheered the participants heartily. The students learned about the cultural diversities and rich heritage of our Indian cities.

Celebrating Earth Day

Pre-Primary 22-Apr-2022

Participants: Students of classes PS I to – V
Highlight: Celebrating Earth Day was a mass participating event. Children enjoyed a lot. They participated with a lot of enthusiasm and understood the importance of maintaining an ecological balance. The children were made aware of the need for celebrating the day and took a pledge to protect the earth. They coloured a picture of the earth and learnt how it supports life.

Happy Hour, Inter house Heritage City Project

Secondary 22-Apr-2022

Participants Students of classes VI – XII
Highlight The Happy Hour was indeed exuberating with happiness when the students attended the session
offline after a prolonged gap of 2 years.Team work was reflected. The quiz was interactive and
relatable. The zealous performance of the students was praiseworthy.

Happy Hour – Sponge Craft

Pre-Primary 18-Feb-2022

Participants Students of Montessori
Highlight The children enjoyed making a teddy bear with a sponge. They danced on an action song based on teddy bears and also heard the story "Goldilocks and the three Bears".

Happy Hour - Story Telling Event

Pre-Primary 18-Feb-2022

Participants Students of Classes Pre School I – II
Highlight Friday afternoon witnessed confident story tellers who left the audience awestruck as they modulated their voice aptly, used props appropriately and gave perfect expressions. The session Was filled with a wide range of stories.

Happy Hour – Fun with Recitation

Pre-Primary 04-Feb-2022

Participants Students of Montessori
Highlight Children had fun while reciting the songs and rhymes in English and in HIndi. They recited them with expressions, lot of enthusiasm and confidence.

Happy Hour - Role Play on Freedom fighters

Pre-Primary 04-Feb-2022

Participants Students of Classes I – II
Highlight The children learnt about the contribution of freedom fighters through the performances of their peers. Apart from the well known freedom fighters, the contribution of some other freedom fighters was also highlighted. The recitation and dance added charm to the programme.

Happy Hour - Dance with a Difference

Primary 04-Feb-2022

Participants Students of Classes III – V
Highlight The efforts put in by the students, parents and house mistresses were clearly visible in their presentation. They were very creative. Themes taken were very apt to the present scenario around the world. Dramatization of the theme along with dance and different backgrounds were praiseworthy. The students showed healthy competitive attitude during the entire show.

Project Citizen

Primary 31-Jan-2022

Participants Students of Classes III – V
Highlight It was very informative. Children thoroughly enjoyed the program and they also gained lot of knowledge.

Project Citizen (Juniors)

Primary 28-Jan-2022

Participants Students of Classes III – V
Highlight All the houses gave their best. It was a neck to neck competition. Efforts put in by House Mistresses, students, parents was clearly visible in all the House presentations. Agni House members replied the judge's questions on ‘smart meters’ aptly and were declared the champion.

Project Citizen (Seniors)

Senior 28-Jan-2022

Participants Students of Classes VI – XII
Highlight The competition was keenly contested with the participants answering the queries thrown by the jury with confidence. The participants had to use their presence of mind in tackling the questions from the panel of judges. A lot of analytical skills were involved too. Vayu House won the competition.

Quiz on Veer Gatha

Middle 07-Jan-2022

Participants: Students of Classes VI - VIII
Highlight: It was a very successful event. Prithvi house was the winner of the same. Students enjoyed a lot and they got the opportunity to learn so much about the freedom fighters and were motivated by the heroic deeds of those courageous people who all gave up their lives, serving our country with their blood and soul.

Ganit Challenge

Pre-Primary 07-Jan-2022

Participants: Students of Classes I - II
Highlight: Children enjoyed the interactive session of answering questions in turns and were elated to get opportunities to give the correct answer. Some of them could even explain the logic for solving the problem-sums.

Winter Fashion

Pre-Primary 07-Jan-2022

Participants: Students of Classes Montessori – Pre School II
Highlight: Children of PSl and PSll enjoyed an enticing winter activity- they were dressed in their winter attire, watching a winter-time movie followed by making a craft, based on winter wear. They learnt a wide range of words related to winter which has surely enriched their vocabulary.

Happy Hour - Christmas Tree and Cupcake Decoration

Pre-Primary 17-Dec-2021

Highlight: Students enjoyed a fun filled winter morning dressed in colours of Christmas decorating cupcakes, learning a thematic craft and watching a video based on Christmas. They even sang carols.

Happy Hour – Flower Arrangement

Pre-Primary 03-Dec-2021

Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: Children enjoyed the virtual tour of the Horticulture Garden. They loved identifying the different flowers shown during the tour. Children could answer which is their favourite flower with ease and confidence. They loved making flowers with paper and arranged the same on a cardboard box.

Happy Hour - Recitation with Actions

Pre-Primary 03-Dec-2021

Participants: Students of Clssses I & II
Highlight: The children of different houses brought the themes to life through their energetic performances.
They recited poems beautifully. The poems in regional language and shloka in Sanskrit added to the beauty of the programme. The first position was secured by Vayu house followed by Jal, Agni and Prithvi.

Happy Hour – Inter House Quiz Competition

Primary 26-Nov-2021

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: The quiz session was based on the 75th year of our Country’s Independence to spread awareness and gain knowledge about the history of our freedom struggle and how it was acquired.

Delightful Talent Carnival

Middle 12-Nov-2021

Participants: Students of Classes VI – VIII
Highlight: Students showcasing their performances in various way like Tabla, art and craft, singing , dancing. 
Everyone loved the talent carnival.

Happy Hour – Crafty You

Pre-Primary 12-Nov-2021

Participants: Students of Classes Pre School I & II
Highlight: Children of PSl and PSll enjoyed a craft session along with learning a beautiful song and gaining knowledge about why school buses are yellow in colour universally.

Happy Hour – You Help

Pre-Primary 12-Nov-2021

Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: Children enjoyed the video shown to them on different Community helpers. They spoke one line each as to how they will help our environment and make the world a better place. They also understood the need to help each other to make the world better place.

Quiz on Freedom Fighters Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 12-Nov-2021

Participants: Students of Classes I & II
Highlight: The children learnt about the freedom fighters of India, their titles and their contribution through PPTs shown during Life Skills class and in Happy Hour. Their knowledge about the same was tested by taking a quiz.

Happy Hour – Inter House Logo and Mascot Designing Competition

Middle 08-Oct-2021

Participants Students of classes VI - VIII
Highlight: It was an individual logo and mascot design competition on the topic Chasing Happiness. All the designs of the students were fantastic and showcased their creativity.

Happy Hour – Inter House Recitation Competition

Primary 08-Oct-2021

Participants: Students of classes III – V
Highlight: The little kids carried themselves in a beautiful way. They were very well trained, were confident and had fantastic eye contact (even though it was virtual). The meticulousness with which they dressed up and the absolute ease with which they delivered were commendable. They are truly the assets of

Happy Hour: Making Craft related to Festival – Durga Puja

Pre-Primary 08-Oct-2021

Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: The children enjoyed the virtual Pandal hopping in our city Kolkata. They dressed up well for the event. Girls wore a saree while the boys wore Kurta Pyjama and danced to Durga Puja songs. They thoroughly enjoyed making the craft which was a Durga Maa wall hanging.

Event: Keep Fit

Pre-Primary 30-Sep-2021

Organized By: Pre-Primary Happy Hour Department
Resource Person: PE Department
Participants: Students of Classes PSI - PSII
Highlight: Children were taught a wide range of fitness exercises, techniques of how to catch and throw a ball. They followed the teacher's instructions perfectly.

Happy Hour – Event – Pets

Pre-Primary 24-Sep-2021

Participants Montessori Students
Highlight Children enjoyed the story on pets and also learned how to take care of their pets. They enjoyed showing their pets to their peers on the online platform. The children thoroughly enjoyed making the Aquarium craft. They sang the song well on Pets.

Happy Hour Chess Competition

Pre-Primary 24-Sep-2021

Participants: Students of Classes I – II
Highlight: Chess Competition for classes 1 and 2 was conducted on Lichess. After many rounds of games the winners were selected. The children played well defending their pieces. Amam Patel of Jal house secured the first position.

Happy Hour – Inter House Chess Competition

Primary 24-Sep-2021

Participants: Students of classes III – V
Highlight: Happy Hour Chess Competition was a huge success. Amidst the tough times the children got an opportunity to hone their skills in a friendly manner from the comfort of their homes. Vayu house stood first, followed by Agni and Prithvi in 2nd and 3rd position respectively. The students followed the instructions very well. Special thanks to all the teachers involved for their never-ending support and hard work to make this event a grand success. We saw some very interesting games played by our beloved students which clearly indicate the bright future of our chess team in the coming years!

Happy Hour Music Workshop

Primary 17-Sep-2021

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: Students of Classes III to V had a music Workshop conducted by their music teachers.

Inter House Chess Competition

Middle 17-Sep-2021

Organized By: Lichess
Participants: Students of Class VI - VII
Highlight: All the students played very well. Few matches were in a very close competition. We enjoyed seeing the matches.

Healthy Fruit Salad – Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 10-Sep-2021

Participants: Montessori Students
Highlight: Children enjoyed making the fruit salad and also identified the fruit which they used to make the healthy salad. The presentation was done very well by the children.

Kite Making and Decoration – Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 10-Sep-2021

Participants: Students of Classes Pre School I & Pre School II
Highlight: Children of Pre School l to Classes ll on Friday afternoon aptly used paper, colours, and scissors to put together a wide range of Kites and at the same time learnt facts about kites and a song based on the same. The children displayed excitement as they displayed their beautiful pieces of art.

Happy Hour Janmashtami Celebration

Pre-Primary 27-Aug-2021

Participants: Students of Classes I – II
Highlight The children of classes 1 and 2 portrayed the birth of Lord Krishna through a drama house wise.
Each house had their unique way of presentation. They even answered questions based on their performance during the quiz session. Agni House emerged as the winner followed by Vayu, Jal and Prithvi.

Janmashtami Craft – Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 27-Aug-2021

Participants: Students of Classes Pre School I & Pre School II
Highlight: Children of PSl and PSll enjoyed watching videos, songs, doing a Janmashtami based craft and learning a song on the theme. Children answered questions asked based on videos shown and about the festival.

Happy Hour - TRI Colour Craft

Pre-Primary 13-Aug-2021

Participants Students of Montessori – Class II
Highlight Children of Montessori to Class II enjoyed an eventful session learning Tricoloured craft, facts about Independence Day, singing the National Anthem and reciting a poem based on the Tri-coloured flag.
All were dressed in the colours of the Indian flag and children enjoyed the session.

Happy Hour – Speak Not But Act

Middle 30-Jul-2021

Participants Students of Classes VI - VIII
Highlight The Happy Hour event ‘Speak Not but Act’ was an energizing session for the students where we witnessed the power of facial expressions in communication. Beautiful background music adorned the performances and the entire event was enjoyed by one and all.

Happy Hour – You have Talent

Primary 30-Jul-2021

articipants Students of Classes III – V
Highlight You Have Talent was a great initiative to allow children to showcase their hidden talents and passions. Children came up with their best performances. This event was a great boost to their self-confidence and overall personality development. The order of the position secured by the Houses is as follows: JAL HOUSE 1ST; AGNI HOUSE 2ND; PRITHVI HOUSE 2ND; VAYU HOUSE 3RD

Happy Hour - Speak Not But Act

Senior 30-Jul-2021

Participants Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight It was a wonderful event as the participants showed their mime skills using gestures and well-coordinated movements. Audio visual aids were used to good effect. Prithvi House bagged the first spot, Jal was second.

Snail Craft Activity – Happy Hour

Pre-Primary 25-Jun-2021

Participants: Pre Primary Department
Highlight: Children of PS1 and PS2 enjoyed a fun filled afternoon learning facts about snails, singing a song on the same and doing a craft involving finger printing. The children followed the instructions with care and were eager to display their finished product.

Healthy Summer Cooler – Happy Hour

Middle 25-Jun-2021

Participants: Middle School Students
Highlight: This was an overwhelming experience for everyone. All the Participants did wonderfully well. Participants made not only mouthwatering drinks they also used various types of summer fruits and made an innovative combination. Winner of this Happy hour competition was AGNI HOUSE.

Laughter, the best medicine

Senior 25-Jun-2021

Participants: Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight: Everyone enjoyed the one act comedy as all the themes were based on current issues. Agni House was the winner of the event and Prithvi House emerged as the runner up.

Story Time with Clay Dough Characters – Happy Hour

Primary 25-Jun-2021

Participants: Primary Department
Highlight: The children moulded clay to form different characters and used these to narrate their stories. It was a pleasure watching the little hands shaping the dough with perfection. The children acquired the skills of story narration. They spoke confidently. Their motor skills were enhanced when they shaped the clay dough.

Constitutional Quiz (IX - XII)

Senior 30-Apr-2021

Participants: Students of classes IX – XII
Highlight: The participants and the audience got to know about the framework of our constitution, contributions of great men like B.R Ambedkar, Surendranath Mukherjee and others and facts regarding RTI.. Agni House won the event. Vayu, Prithvi and Jal occupied the 2nd , 3rd and 4th positions respectively.

The quiz was conducted in a technically sound manner by Pranav Chowdhary, our Head Boy. The participants performed well. There was valuable information
shared between rounds.

Happy Hour - Character Presentation

Pre-Primary 30-Apr-2021

Participants: Students of classes I & II
Highlight: The Happy Hour gave an opportunity to the performers as well as viewers to learn more about Kolkata the City of Joy. They discovered various unknown facts through each other's performance. Each participant put in a lot of hard work to bring the character to life. Prithvi House emerged as the winner followed by Agni, Vayu and Jal House.

Happy Hour – Kolkata – My City

Middle 30-Apr-2021

Participants: Students of classes VI – VIII
Highlight: Through this program students came to know about the demographically diverse city, origin of the name of the city (Calcutta) culture, artistic and revolutionary heritage of Kolkata, its association with the East India Company and as the capital of British Raj. They learnt about the colonial architecture, important land mark of Calcutta/Kolkata, old and new modes of transportation in the city of joy, passion for football and misti. They also learnt team spirit,
coordination, developed spirit of enquiry as they researched extensively on Kolkata which will help them to become responsible citizens of future.

Jal house won the first position.

Happy Hour on Kolkata – The Cultural Capital

Primary 30-Apr-2021

Participants: Students of classes III – V
Highlight: The Inter House Competition held by the Junior section of Lakshmipat Singhania Academy featuring Kolkata - the Cultural Capital captured the heart and soul of the city of joy. It was a blend of music, dance and recitation paying tribute to the eminent personalities of Bengal. The beautiful Bengali language was celebrated throughout the course of the event. The narrators from every house did a splendid job and they seemed to be seasoned in this particular field. Overall presentation of the event received a lot of praise from teachers, students, parents and judges alike.

Inter House Quiz Competition

Pre-Primary 23-Feb-2021

Organized By - Happy Hour Department

Participants - Students of Classes I & II

Highlight - The afternoon of 23rd February saw the bright sparks of classes 1 and 2 all geared up for the Inter House Competition. Questions were based on mathematics, story books, general awareness and the beautiful world.

Salad Decoration

Pre-Primary 21-Jan-2021

Participants: Students of Classes I – II
Highlight: Children learnt about the health benefits of different types of fruits and vegetables.
Arrangements of different seasonal vegetables were laid attractively on the plates with the teacher's instruction.

Project Citizen - Primary

Primary 15-Jan-2021

Participants - Students of Classes III – V

Highlight - Students participated in the event with lot of enthusiasm. The highlight of the project was the confidence with which the students faced the judges. The issues researched were very relevant in the present scenario.

Project Citizen - Senior and Middle school

Senior 08-Jan-2021

Organized By - Lakshmipat Singhania Academy

Participants - Students of classes V to XII

Highlight - The speakers were well trained and presented their projects with confidence and conviction. The projects focussed on the present socio?economic issues like, water scarcity, food control etc. The event helped them to be aware of Government policies, analyse them and design action plans based on these pertinent issues.

Inter House Hand Shadowgraphy Competition

Senior 18-Dec-2020

Participants - Students of Classes VI – XII

Highlight - All the participants showcased their talent of creating images and stories with the help of hand shadows. The competition was enjoyed by all.

Inter House Chess Tournament

Middle 11-Dec-2020

Participants - Students of Classes VI – VIII

Highlight - Students participated in the Inter house online chess competition. It was a thrilling experience for them.

Inter house Music competition

Primary 10-Nov-2020

Venue                         Zoom

Participants                 Students of Classes III – V

Highlight                     Children enjoyed participating in this Inter house music competition. The Judges appreciated their performances.


Inter house Parliamentary Debate Competition

Senior 15-Oct-2020

Venue - Zoom online platform

Participants - Students of Classes IX – XII

Highlight - It was the first parliamentary debate organized by the school and was enjoyed by all.

Pre-Primary Elocution Inter House Contest

Pre-Primary 09-Oct-2020

Venue - Zoom Online

Participants - Students of Class I – II

Highlight - The young participants were confident on the virtual platform and put up a mesmerising performance.

Interhouse Public Speaking Competition

Primary 10-Sep-2020

Venue                   Zoom Online Platform

Participants           Students from Classes III – XII

Highlight               It was a mesmerizing experience for all the students and teachers. The students were well prepared for the competition and spoke eloquently on the topics. They expressed themselves with confidence and the contents were well researched.          

Mask Quest

Secondary 26-Jul-2020

Venue                          Online competition ‑submission by email

Participants                  Students from Montessori - XII

Highlight                      All the masks were very innovative.

The winners were –

Montessori – Radhya Agarwal, Prishaa Kedia, Vivansh Prakash

PS I – Devanshi Dholakia, Vivaan Nahata, Fatima Hossain

PS II – Inaaya Samuel, Aadrito Maity, Navya Khater

Class I – Jiya Jain, Param Kankaria, Tanay Gondi

Class II – Aariket Bharech, Akshat Toshniwal, Keshavi Daga

Classes III – V – Venisha Agarwal, Lavanya Sarkar Chowdhury, Revant Mittal

Classes VI – VIII – Hemaanya Bothra, Rishika Kala, Vaaniya Nathani, Rashita Singh

Classes IX – XII – Harshita Goenka, Kusha Srivastava, Harshita Saraf, Bhavna Singhee

Online Debate Competition (Senior school)

Senior 05-Jun-2020

Venue :   It was hosted using Microsoft Teams
Participants : Animesh Sachan(XI A), Divija V Agarwal (XI A), Ishaan Jain (XI A), Khushboo Gupta (X C), Kritin Bansal (XII C), Priyanshi Saraogi (XI A), Shubham Agarwal (X A), Varenya Mehrotra (X C)
Highlight : It was organized entirely on an online platform and was conducted smoothly. The speakers spoke with enthusiasm and energy and the event was keenly contested with the First position being shared jointly between Agni and Prithvi sharing 20 points each. Jal bagged the third position with 10 points and Vayu , fourth position with 5 points. Divija Agarwal and Kritin Bansal were adjudged the best speakers for and against the motion respectively.

Relay Race

Pre-Primary 19-Feb-2020

Participants : Students of Classes I & II
Highlight : The event was organised well. Many skills were put together in one race. The endurance level of the children was also considered and was seen amongst the winning team. Agni House stood first while Vayu House secured the second position. The third position was bagged by the Jal House. Prithvi House stood fourth.

Happy Hour - Grandparents Day

Pre-Primary 18-Feb-2020

Participants : Students of Montessori to PS II     
Highlight : Children were delighted as they showed their grandparents around the school. Grandparents along with the children were given a chance to participate in carnival games and were gifted a plant as a promise to keep our Earth Green.

Hit The Target

Pre-Primary 04-Feb-2020

Participants : Students of Montessori    
Highlight : Children followed the rules and enjoyed the game.


Primary 01-Feb-2020

Participants: Students from III to V  

Highlight: They learnt to play as a team. They also got assistance and guidance from their own house senior students. This will encourages them to participate and handle responsibilities. Vayu house secured the 1st position followed by Jal, Prithvi and Agni and house.

Inter House Cricket Competition

Senior 01-Feb-2020

Venue : School                        

Participants : Classes IX and XI          

Highlight : Jal won the tournament beating Prithvi in the final convincingly. It was well organised and enjoyed by the audience.

Inter-house Football Competition

Middle 01-Feb-2020

Participants    Students of Classes VI – VIII     
Highlight    It was smoothly conducted. The audience appreciated the matches and cheered the players. Everybody enjoyed the matches. Few boys have played really well. Results of few matches were very close. Prithvi House won the final against Agni House.

Interhouse Handball Competition

Middle 01-Feb-2020

Venue: Football Ground     

Organized By: LSA

Participants: Classes VI - VIII   

Highlight: It was smoothly conducted and everybody enjoyed. The audience appreciated the matches and cheered the players. Few boys have played really well. Results of few matches were very close. Prithvi House won the final against Agni House.

Fun Race

Pre-Primary 30-Jan-2020

Participants    Students of PS l and PS ll     
Highlight         Children of PSI and PSII were well trained and knew about the event and followed instructions without errors. They enjoyed the game and the audience were well behaved and cheered. PSI Bluebells and PSII Carnations emerged as winners.

Standing Kho

Pre-Primary 30-Jan-2020

Participants     Students of Classes of l and ll    
Highlight        Children enjoyed and were very excited. All the houses followed the rules perfectly. Agni House was winner followed by Vayu, Prithvi and Jal.

Start Up

Senior 30-Jan-2020

Participants     Students of Classes IX - XII    
Highlight    Vayu House emerged as the winner. Second position was won by Prithvi House. The event was enjoyed by all and was very competitive.


Middle 20-Jan-2020

Resource Person    Pushpa Dayani
Participants    Students of Classes VI – VIII     
Highlight    The students stressed the importance of increased awareness among citizens about cooperation, specially with civil society, organisations, to engage in eradicating socio- economic problems like, bullying in school, emersion of Idols, pollution, swacch bharat and
cyber security. The students felt a sense of pride to have been able to make their contribution for improving the quality of the environment in their city

Karate Competition

Middle 18-Jan-2020

Participants     Students of Classes VI – VIII     
Highlight    The Students completed in 4 categories of kata and kumite for boys and girls separately. The even lasted for 2 hours. With everyone showcasing their talents in a sporting way.

Character Presentation

Primary 16-Jan-2020

Participants     Students of Classes III - V
Highlight    The students from classes III to V participated in the event. The themes were based class wise.  Class III did on Literary Characters, IV on Historical Characters and V on Sports personalities. Overall it was a sight to behold. Jal house secured the 1st position followed by Vayu, Prithvi and Agni.

Throw ball

Primary 16-Jan-2020

Participants    Students of Classes III - V
Highlight    All the matches were Conducted Smoothly. Students played with great zeal and enthusiasm. They learned to compete in a healthy manner. Children thoroughly enjoyed the competition. Jal secured the 1st position.


Middle 15-Jan-2020

Participants    Students of Classes VI - VIII    
Highlight    A little more coordination among the participants would have made the presentations perfect.

Tri Colour Food Craft

Pre-Primary 14-Jan-2020

Participants    Students of PS l –PS ll    

Highlight        Children learnt about the term ‘tri’ and the names of ingredients used to make food craft. Children enjoyed working individually demonstrating understanding of instructions given.

Craft Activity

Pre-Primary 14-Jan-2020

Participants     Students of Classes l - ll    
Highlight        Children enjoyed the art & craft activity. They were quick to follow instructions and complete the activity on time.

Happy Hour Cap Decoration

Pre-Primary 09-Dec-2019

Participants :  Students of Montessori

Highlight : Children enjoyed making Christmas caps and singing Christmas carols.

Happy Hour Thank You Card

Pre-Primary 09-Dec-2019

Participants : Students of PSI & PSII

Highlight : Children enjoyed craft work and saying messages aloud for the soldiers who fight for the safety of the country.


Dribbling in Relay Form

Pre-Primary 23-Oct-2019

Participants    Students of PS I & PS II
Highlight    Children of PSI and PSII enjoyed the event and cheered for their team members. The audience was well mannered and thoroughly encouraged the participants as they watched the game.

Inter House Fun Quiz Competition

Pre-Primary 23-Oct-2019

Participants    Students of Classes I & II
Highlight    The children found the quiz very interesting. They enthusiastically answered the questions. They were left wanting for more. Vayu House was the winner followed by Jal, Agni & Prithvi.

Bilingual Elocution on Gandhiji

Middle 25-Sep-2019

Event: Bilingual Elocution on Gandhiji
Participants: Students of Classes VI – VIII
Highlight: Jal house won the competition.

Happy Hour Hop & Run

Pre-Primary 25-Sep-2019

Event: Happy Hour Hop & Run
Participants: Students of Classes PSI & PSII
Highlight: Children of PS I and PS II had fun during Hop and Run, as they showcased their skills and followed instructions well. Children cheered well for their classmates who were participating in the competition.

Happy Hour Inter House Dance Competition

Primary 25-Sep-2019

Event: Happy Hour Inter House Dance Competition
Participants: Students of Classes I & II
Highlight: The event was well organised. It started on time and got over on time. The participants of all the houses put up a great show. The audience was mesmerized. There was no time gap between the performances. The seating arrangement for the children was such that every child got an opportunity to witness the programme. In the end, Jal House stood first,
followed by Vayu House, Prithvi House, and Agni House

Happy Hour Basket the Ball

Pre-Primary 03-Sep-2019

Event: Happy Hour Basket the Ball
Participants: Montessori Students
Highlight: Children enjoyed participating in the activity.

Happy Hour Dodge Ball

Pre-Primary 14-Aug-2019

Event: Happy Hour Dodge Ball
Participants: Students of Classes I & II
Highlight: The game was conducted smoothly in spite of the rain. Children were excited and the players were well trained for the game. Agni House emerged as the winner followed by Vayu, Prithvi, and Jal.

Happy Hour Janmashtami Celebration

Pre-Primary 14-Aug-2019

Event: Happy Hour Janmashtami Celebration
Participants: Students of Classes PSI & PSII
Highlight: Children were dressed in festive colours to add to the spirit of happiness during the Happy Hour. Stories, songs, and craftwork were enjoyed by one and all. The preschoolers learnt thematic words based on Janmashtami and related facts.

Happy Hour Tricolour Craft

Pre-Primary 13-Aug-2019

Event: Happy Hour Tricolour Craft
Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: Children enjoyed the dressing up activity. They loved making the craft on the tricolour. They danced on patriotic songs.

Happy Hour Colour Day

Pre-Primary 23-Jul-2019

Event: Happy Hour Colour Day
Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: Children were happy to come in different coloured clothes. They enjoyed putting their handprint in different colours.

Inter House Throw Ball (Girls)

Middle 20-Jul-2019

Event: Inter-House Throw Ball (Girls)
Participants: Students of Classes VI-VIII
Highlight: All the girls played very well. Few matches were very close. Students enjoyed all the matches. Prithvi House won the final against Jal house.

Inter House Dodge Ball Competition

Primary 20-Jul-2019

Event: Inter-House Dodge Ball Competition
Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: All the matches were conducted smoothly. Students played with great zeal and enthusiasm. They learned to compete in a healthy manner. Children thoroughly enjoyed the competition.

Inter House Chess competition

Primary 06-Jul-2019

Event: Inter House Chess competition
Participants: Students of Classes III - V
Highlight Inter House Chess competition was held on 6th July in which participants from all the four houses participated enthusiastically. Vayu house emerged as the winner followed by Jal, Prithvi, and Agni. Overall it was a wonderful experience for the participants.

Happy Hour Inter House Chess Competition

Middle 06-Jul-2019

Event: Happy Hour Inter House Chess Competition
Participants: Students of Classes I-II & VI-VIII
Highlight: The game was conducted smoothly. Some of the students were playing a chess tournament for the first time. They got a very good experience. They also got help and guidance from senior students from their own house. They got an opportunity to showcase their moves and build their confidence to play beyond school level. Agni House emerged as the winner followed by Jal, Vayu, and Prithvi.

Rath Decoration

Pre-Primary 03-Jul-2019

Event: Happy Hour Rath Decoration
Participants: Students of PSI & PSII
Highlight: Children were excited and actively participated in decorating the Rath with fresh flowers, paper chains, and paper decorations. The story was narrated in detail along with slides. Videos of Rath Yatra in Puri were shown. Children also coloured the image of Rath.
PS I Daisies and PS II Asters emerged as winners.

Fun Race

Pre-Primary 02-Jul-2019

Event:  Happy Hour Fun Race
Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: Children actively participated in the game. They were happy to receive the gift (toffees wrapped in newspaper).

Dance Competition

Primary 30-Apr-2019

Event: Dance Competition – Happy Hour
Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: An Inter House Dance Competition was held. The theme of the competition was Nature (for Eastern Dances) and Different dance forms like Jazz, Hip hop, Salsa etc. Each house
performed two dance forms Eastern and Western by showing relevant ppt. Appropriate props were also used. Our school teachers judged the event.

Colour Day

Pre-Primary 30-Apr-2019

Event: Happy Hour Colour Day
Participants: Students of Classes I & II
Highlight: Children enjoyed themselves. They also learnt the significance of the chosen colours. They learnt important facts related to those colours. It was an hour long activity.

Quiz on Mahatma Gandhi

Middle 30-Apr-2019

Event: Quiz on Mahatma Gandhi
Organized By: G/150
Resource Person: Atmaram Saraogi & Mahesh Lodha
Participants: Students of Classes VI – VIII
Highlight: All the students participated enthusiastically in the quiz. The participants were very well prepared. The training provided by the teachers in the previous week proved fruitful. We were appreciated for the high score of 650 that was quite unparalleled according to the organizers. Vayu House secured the first position.


Middle 20-Apr-2019

Event e Games: Happy Hour
Participants: Students of Classes V – VIII
Highlight: It was a learning experience for the class 6 students and the students of higher classes were able to apply their technical analytical, logical thinking skills in creating those interactive eGames.

Keep Fit

Primary 20-Apr-2019

Event Keep Fit – Happy Hour
Participants Students of Classes III – V
Highlight An Inter house event Keep fit was conducted amongst the students of the four Houses. Children developed better physical abilities and eagerness to participate in outdoor games. It was a learning experience on how to keep oneself fit and active.

Keep Fit

Senior 20-Apr-2019

Event: Keep Fit – Happy Hour
Participants: Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight: All the of the Houses were very competitive and the competition was won by Jal House. Vayu, Agni and Prtithvi were 2nd,3rd and 4th respectively.

Standing Kho (I & II)

Pre-Primary 20-Feb-2019

Participants : Students of Classes I & II
Highlight : Children knew how to play the game. It was conducted well and there was tough competition. Children played well. Agni House was adjudged the first position followed by Prithvi, Vayu and Jal.

I Want To Become A...

Pre-Primary 19-Feb-2019

Participants : Students of Classes PS I & PS II
Highlight : Children dressed aptly to showcase what they desire to be when they grow up. They used props which added meaning to what children spoke about their wish. 

Basket the Ball

Pre-Primary 05-Feb-2019

Participants : Students of Montessori
Highlight : Children enjoyed the activity and followed the instructions and were well disciplined. 

Inter House Throw Ball competition

Primary 02-Feb-2019

Participants : Students of Classes III – V
Highlight : All the matches were conducted smoothly. Students played with great zeal and enthusiasm. They learned to compete in a healthy manner. Children thoroughly enjoyed the competition.

Inter House Chess Competition

Middle 02-Feb-2019

Participants : Students of Classes VI – VIII
Highlight : All the House participants played well. In the finals Agni and Jal House was indeed in a tough fight. Finally the winners were Agni House beating Jal House 3 - 2.

Bilingual Elocution

Middle 31-Jan-2019

Event: Bilingual Elocution
Participants: Students of Classes VI-VIII
Highlight: The poem recitation was beautiful, spontaneous and effortless.

Happy Hour Dodge Ball

Primary 31-Jan-2019

Event Happy Hour Dodge Ball
Participants Students of Classes I & II
Highlight The children of various houses enjoyed playing Dodge Ball. The seating arrangement ensured that all the participants get a good view of the game. The timing was adhered to strictly. The following are the positions secured by different houses: Agni - first, Prithvi – second, Vayu - third, Jal – fourth

Inter House Mini Cricket

Senior 31-Jan-2019

Event: Inter House Mini Cricket
Participants: Students of Classes IX-XII
Highlight: The participants enjoyed the contest and all the matches were closely contested. Prithvi House won the event and Jal bagged the second position.

Sand Art

Senior 31-Jan-2019

Participants : Students of Classes IX – XII
Highlight : It was a very innovative event and there was a lot of enthusiasm among the participants and spectators. Jal House won the event and Prithvi House was adjudged as the first runner up.

Happy Hour Hop and Run

Pre-Primary 16-Jan-2019

Event: Happy Hour Hop and Run
Venue: Basketball Court
Participants: Students of PSI & PSII
Highlight: Children of PSI & PSII thoroughly enjoyed the game of Hop and Run. They followed the instructions of the P.E. Teachers. Team Carnations emerged as winners followed by Team Asters, Daisies, and Bluebells.

Declamation Competition

Primary 16-Jan-2019

Event: Declamation Competition
Participants: Students of Classes III to V
Highlight: Declamation Competition has held for students of classes III to V. There were 3 participants per house one from each class. The students of Class III spoke on the topic related to their School Life, Class IV on National Issues, while Class V spoke on Global Issues. Each participant spoke well on the above-mentioned topics. However, Agni House stood winners in the process. Overall it was an interesting session.

Inter House Quiz Competition

Pre-Primary 16-Jan-2019

Event: Happy Hour Inter House Quiz Competition
Participants: Students of Classes I & II
Highlight: It totally captured the attention of the children. The time taken by the activity was just right. The children were left wanting for more. Jal House came first followed by Prithvi, Agni, Vayu.

Inter House Master Chef

Secondary 16-Jan-2019

Event : Inter House Master Chef
Participants : Students of Classes IX-XII
Highlight : It was an innovative and creative event which included cooking, video making with an explanation. Prithvi House bagged the first position and Agni House got the second position.

Happy Hour Stocking Decoration (Montessori)

Pre-Primary 11-Dec-2018

Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: Children enjoyed this fun-filled activity and they also enjoyed singing the carols. It helped in the development of fine motor skills.

Inter House Dodge Ball

Primary 29-Nov-2018

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: All the matches were conducted smoothly. Students played with great zeal and enthusiasm. They learned to compete in a healthy manner. Children enjoyed the competition thoroughly.


Middle 06-Nov-2018

Participants: Students of classes VI-VIII

Highlight:  The students raised awareness of the social and economic concerns of society like reckless driving and plastic menace.

Inter‑House Mini Cricket

Middle 03-Nov-2018

Participants: Students of classes VI - VIII

Highlight: Children Enjoyed the game, especially the girls were very good. Some matches were very close. Jal house was the winner after defeating Agni house.

Rangoli & Diya Designing (PSI & PSII)

Pre-Primary 31-Oct-2018

Participants: Students of Classes PSI & PSII
Highlight: Children brought colourful flowers to make a rangoli. They also coloured and decorated a diya with sequins. They learned about the story behind the Diwali festival and how to celebrate a safe and green Diwali.

Mask Making

Primary 26-Oct-2018

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: Children participated in a large number and each of them came up with innovative ideas. Some made beautiful masks, others tried their best. The students brought forth their creativity by making masks as per the theme were given to them.

Colour Day

Pre-Primary 10-Oct-2018

Participants: Students of Classes I & II
Highlight: Children were dressed in different colours. They also got one food item of that colour. They learned about primary and secondary colours. They also learnt about warm, cool, neutral colour and colour wheel. Children thoroughly enjoyed mixing colours and painting the worksheet.

Cartooning Workshop

Middle 10-Oct-2018

Participants: Students of Classes VI – VIII
Highlight: Students enjoyed the workshop and had a wonderful learning experience.

Fun Race (PSI & PSII)

Pre-Primary 10-Oct-2018

Participants: Students of Classes PSI & PSII
Highlight: Children of PSI and PSII thoroughly enjoyed the Fun race organised for them. They followed the instructions perfectly. PSI and PSII Asters emerged as winners followed by Bluebells, Daisies and Carnations.

Inter House Quiz Competition

Primary 10-Oct-2018

Participants: Students of Classes III - V
Highlight: Students enjoyed the session and responded with enthusiasm. The Quiz consisted of a variety of questions with different types of rounds. It is worth a mention that there were questions related to the news articles from NIE as well. The winners were: Amol Dalmia, Ishant Pareek and Sachish Sarawgi of Prithvi House.

Inter house Football

Middle 06-Oct-2018

Participants: Students of classes VI-VIII
Highlight All the matches were very close, In the Final Vayu house Boys, and Agni House Girls both won...

Inter House Quiz

Senior 26-Sep-2018

Participants: Students of Class IX – XII
Highlight: The audience enjoyed the quizzing. The quizmaster was good. Agni House was the winner.

Fun Race (Montessori)

Pre-Primary 04-Sep-2018

Participants: Students of Montessori

Highlight: Children enjoyed the activity. They followed the instructions given. This activity helped in their gross motor development.

Inter House Dance Competition

Senior 15-Aug-2018

Participants: Students of Classes IX-XII
Highlight: Vayu House won the event and the audience enjoyed a lot.

Inter House Chess Competition (I & II)

Primary 11-Aug-2018

Participants: Students of Classes I & II
Highlight: The game was conducted smoothly. Children were disciplined. They got an opportunity to showcase their moves and build their confidence to play beyond school level. Vayu House emerged as winner followed by Jal, Agni, and Prithvi.

Inter House Chess Competition (III to V)

Primary 11-Aug-2018

Participants: Students of Classes III – V
Highlight: The tournament was very competitive. Children played with good sportsmanship spirit and in a disciplined manner. They had a very good exposure to the different tactics required in the game.

Fire on the Mountain (PS I & PS II)

Pre-Primary 25-Jul-2018

Event: Fire on the Mountain (PS-I & PS-II)
Participants: Students of Classes PS I & PS II
Highlight: Children enjoyed the game Fire on the Mountain. Everyone followed the rules of the game which was commendable. The children were happy as they all got to participate.

Colour Day (Montessori)

Pre-Primary 24-Jul-2018

Event: Colour Day (Montessori)
Participants Students of Montessori
Highlight: Children learned about the different colours and enjoyed doing squash painting.

Bowling (Montessori)

Pre-Primary 03-Jul-2018

Event: Bowling (Montessori)
Participants: Students of Montessori
Highlight: The children followed the instructions and played the game well.

Colour Day

Pre-Primary 20-Jun-2018

Highlight: Children were dressed in red, yellow, orange and green colored clothes. Children got food items of that particular color and also made a craft. Important facts related to colours were discussed and they recited a poem.

cartooning workshop

Primary 02-May-2018

The workshop was meant for classes III to V. Basic cartoon drawings were demonstrated to them and they drew characters using the alphabet and numerical digits. They even had fun drawing the stick figures. Overall it was a fun loving activity for the students.

Wordsworth Quiz

Middle 02-May-2018

The Quiz enhanced their vocabulary, grammatical skills, and spellings through 6 interactive audio-visual rounds, with VAYU house achieving the 1st place.

Cupcake Decoration

Pre-Primary 28-Feb-2018

Children of PSI and PSII thoroughly enjoyed the activity. They used a variety of ingredients to decorate the cupcake.

Grandparent's Day (Montessori)

Pre-Primary 27-Feb-2018

The children and the grandparents had a great time. The grandparents re‑lived their school


Literary Quiz Competition

Pre-Primary 31-Jan-2018

Children were very enthusiastic and enjoyed all the four rounds of the quiz. Vayu House emerged as winners followed by Prithvi, Agni and Jal.

Cup Cake decoration

Pre-Primary 17-Jan-2018

Children thoroughly enjoyed the activity. They were looking forward to the activity and were prepared with beautiful quotes.

Inter house Debate

Middle 17-Jan-2018

The speakers spoke well and were competitive throughout the event.

Toy Making

Primary 17-Jan-2018

The students were supposed to create a toy out of waste items. They enjoyed the activity immensely as they showcased their innate talent.

3 minutes to fame

Senior 17-Jan-2018

Highlight: All students enjoyed a lot. Mostly new students took part in this competition.

Choral Recitation

Primary 11-Jan-2018

The Choral Recitation was conducted amongst the 4 houses. Each house chose a poem and recited it. The props and costumes were used appropriately. The diction and intonation were in place bringing in rhythm to the poems. Overall it was a success and the students, as well as the teachers, enjoyed the event.

Rath Decoration (PS I & PS II)

Pre-Primary 11-Jul-2017

Event: Happy Hour Rath Decoration (PS I & PS II)
Participants: Students of Classes PS I & PS II
Highlight: Children were excited and actively participated in decorating the rath. They used artificial flowers and care was taken not to use plastic flowers. Video of Rath Yatra was shown and the story was narrated to the children, which was followed by coloring activity. PS I Carnations and PS II Bluebells emerged as winners.

Christmas Tree Decoration (PSI & PSII)
